~Memphis, Saqqara and the Pyramids of Giza~
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When researching Egypt's history it quickly becomes apparent that Egyptologists frequently disagree with one another, as critical details about every event and site vary from source to source.  Reputed ages of objects and buildings commonly vary, and there are even discrepancies regarding which Pharaoh is said to have commissioned the building of important structures and the creation of sculptures and art.  New discoveries constantly shift and change what is believed by historians, so it may be safe to say that given enough time almost any commonly held belief is subject to change if not reinterpretation.

The evidence upon which historians base their consistently held beliefs regarding the construction, age, and function of the great Pyramid of Giza is quite circumstantial at best.  There is a great deal of research and evidence that allows us to form very different interpretations regarding the pyramid than today's most commonly held beliefs.  An excellent source, which is referenced below, points to the age of the Great Pyramid as being 12,000 years.   The more traditionally held belief is that it is a four thousand year old structure specifically intended as Pharaoh’s Khufu's tomb.

Giza pyramid.com offers a multi-page black and white comprehensive photo tour of the Great Pyramid from the inside out.  It provides an excellent view of the whole structure.  A visual tour of the pyramid on a web site sponsored by Nova has a fabulous feature that allows one to click and drag through extensive 360° photos taken within all of the passages in the pyramid.  Both sites allow you to have the feeling of directly experiencing the Great Pyramid.

The source of the following enticing facts about the Great Pyramid of Giza is an excellent article written by world explorer Martin Gray, found on his website highlighting sacred sites.  Please consider that no physical evidence of a pharaoh's burial or mummification was ever found within the Great Pyramid.  No inscriptions exist upon the walls, especially no glorification of a buried pharaoh, as was the common practice.  The pyramid itself exists as an absolute anomaly when considering fourth Dynasty architecture, as nothing like it had ever before been constructed, and nothing after it nearly equaled its size, intrinsic astrological alignments, stone masonry, and splendor.


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